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About Taylir Paynter

Taylir Paynter

Taylir Paynter

Editor, New American Funding

Taylir is an experienced Marketing Coordinator with over 3 years in the mortgage industry and a degree in Communications Public Relations. She helps coordinate and oversees a variety of marketing activities and she enjoys writing mortgage-related content for New American Funding.

Posts by Taylir Paynter

Keep Client Data Secure

You work hard to earn your clients’ trust. To help ensure you keep it, you’ll want to be protective of their personal and financial information before, during, and after their transaction closes.

Most Popular, Affordable, and Last-Minute Holiday Destinations

Every year the holidays can sneak up on us and, if you haven't made your getaway plans yet, you may want to start thinking of vacation ideas. The Halloween pumpkins have barely been thrown away before Thanksgiving dinner food prep begins and Christmas decorations start to appear while you’re crossing off your Turkey Day shopping list.

Social Media 101 for Housing-Industry Professionals – When to Post, What to Post and How Often?

It is important to have a good balance regarding your content. Because you will be using your social media accounts for your business, 80% professional content and 20% personal content is a good rule of thumb when thinking about what you should share online.

Beware Store Credit Card Traps

Tis the season! So much shopping to do and when it seems there is a sale everywhere, it’s hard to resist buying a few things for yourself, the home, etc. Sometimes when money starts going out in December, we just go with the flow and figure we’ll worry about the budget “next month.”

Millennials and Communication: How to Engage on Their Terms

Like most industries, and the way we live, lending and real estate are changing because the largest cohort of consumers is changing. Our newest, largest wave of potential homebuyers are millennials who are preparing for and easing into homebuying in ways very different than their parents and grandparents.

5 Reasons Why Year-End May be the Best Time to Buy a House

With temperatures falling and thoughts increasingly turning to turkeys, tinsel and other holiday traditions, late fall and winter would hardly seem the best time of year to buy a house.

Social Media 101 for Real Estate and Lending Professionals

Ramping up your business with social media is becoming increasingly vital to succeeding in today’s marketplace. In fact, two-thirds of Americans use social media, and according to a Forbes study, 78 percent of respondents say social media posts from companies influence their buying decisions.

Be Prepared: 8 Essentials to Keep in Your Car

Here are eight items to consider keeping in your car to ensure showings and client meetings stay on track.

Festive Holiday Towns

Tree lightings, theme celebrations, parades, artisan foods and crafts and holiday décor of all types can now be found in many cities throughout the United States. Some are elevating holiday festivals to the standout event of the year now, with celebrations lasting from November through mid or late January.

10 Top Housing Trends for 2019

With 2018 soon vanishing in our rear-view mirrors, it’s time to peer into our crystal ball to gain a sense of the housing trends that will prevail in 2019.

How low will your payment be?