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Army Veteran Greg Thomas Shares His Story Podcast

Army Veteran Greg Thomas Shares His Story Podcast

We asked Greg Thomas, a Veteran of the United States Army, to share his heroic story with us. We helped him secure his first home mortgage, and during that time his agent, Gabriel Garcia, learned about the trials he went through as a Veteran. His story was so moving that we wanted to share it with others.  I invite to listen to his story:

Greg Thomas' story evokes a multitude of emotions. It's a story that is equally inspiring as it is heart-wrenching. The picture he paints of life while serving his country was powerful and intense. He was selfless in his decision to fight for his country; to fight for a better world for his children and for future generations to come.

Despite the hardships he endured, his dream of owning a home never died. This dream is what gave him the strength to keep him moving forward in life. And today, now that he has achieved this dream, it remains his reason to continue on. Even though his time serving in war is over, he still fights for what he believes in. This determination, more than anything else, is what really inspires me.

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